(949) 481-8387

We know that emergencies are stressful- for you and your pet! We see the value in being available for our clients for urgent care visits and will typically accommodate anyone who needs to be seen for an urgent reason. We know your pet, we know what their normal behavior is, we can tell when something is a little "off"... Especially on our favorite frequent flyers, boarders, and those who come in for grooming services. There's value in having a familiar face there for you, especially someone who knows your pet.
We are not a 24/7 emergency hospital, but we strive to be there for you for some of the following urgent care visits:
- Foxtails
- Anything to do with eyeballs, especially trauma, squinting from ulcers, etc.
- Bites from another animal or injuries from the environment (fences are a typical culprit)
- Lameness/limping
- Stabilizing fractures
- Allergic reactions to vaccines or bee stings
- Collapse episodes
- Distended abdomen
- Vomiting/retching/diarrhea
- Coughing
- Torn toenails
- Hot spots
- Ear infections
- Diarrhea
- Abscesses
- Back pain
- Anal gland problems like abscesses
We have the capability of checking a pulse ox, getting a blood pressure, providing CPR, performing in-house labwork, performing triage ultrasounds, and stabilizing your pet for transfer to an emergency clinic for 24/7 care if needed. Many of our amazing staff members, both doctors and technicians, have worked in multispeciality hospitals with 24 hour care. We know what to do because it's what we love and what we've been trained to do.
Call today: (949) 481-8387.